Named after Lord Stanley, former governor of Canada in the 19th century, Stanley Park is a natural park of 405 ha with many paths where it is pleasant to walk.

You can’t come to Vancouver without visiting the park.

The park is  surrounded for the most part by water, forming a peninsula and to appreciate the beauty of the park there is a Seawall which is 9.5km in circumference which runs along the water which can be covered by bike, by running or even by walking, and for the less athletic there is also a road that follows the Seawall which allows you to go around and appreciate all the viewpoints.

At the entrance to the Park on Denman Street there are bike rental shops.

The park has 2 lakes, lost lagoon and beaver lake as well as beaches where you can swim in summer.

 There is also incredible wildlife, coyotes, swans, ducks, seals, raccoons, blue herons (large colony next to the tennis courts) and of course the famous Canadian wild geese, an amazing sight when they cross the road, all the cars stop to let them pass which can take several minutes.

There is also a swimming pool, an aquarium and many other activities.

There are so many things to do that I can’t mention them all.

In terms of food, there is a very good Tea House restaurant and a few concessions where you can stock up on fairly ordinary food.

Below is a map of Stanley Park with its attractions, walking trails and other information needed to have a good time.